
Days Of Traveling

Explored Countries
A Path Less Traveled
If you’d told me a few years ago that I’d be working in the middle of a desert, miles from the nearest town, or trekking through the jungles of Southeast Asia as a tour guide, I probably would have laughed. But here I am—after guiding travelers through Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam—sharing their excitement as they explored new cultures and landscapes. I’ve even spent time in the rugged Australian outback, 260 kilometers from the nearest village. It was under those endless starry skies that I realized just how much the world has to offer—if you’re willing to seek it out.
Breaking Away From Routine
But let’s rewind a bit. I graduated as a technical engineer at 18, but I quickly realized that I couldn’t picture myself in a full-time job, living the 9-to-5 routine, week after week, for 52 weeks a year, for the next 55 years. Sure, you get some time off to "escape" and relax, but that didn’t feel like real living to me. People kept telling me, "This is life." But deep down, I knew that wasn’t my life.
A One Way Ticket
So, I took a different path. I told them, “I’ll come back stronger and more aware of the world—and myself.” With that, I booked a one-way ticket to Asia, no plan in hand. In fact, I’ve always believed that not having a plan is the best plan—it opens you up to every opportunity that comes your way.
What's The Magic?
The magic of travel is meeting like-minded people along the way—people who share your mindset and inspire you in ways you never imagined. Your whole perspective on the world and society shifts. You might not realize it while you’re on the road, but once you return home, it all clicks.
Congratulations—you’ve entered a mindset that thrives on growth, exploration, and living beyond limits.
It’s Been A Wild Ride
Over the past two years, I’ve explored more than 20 countries. I started with the typical tourist itineraries but soon realized that wasn’t what I was searching for. So, I called a friend, and we decided to hitchhike through the Philippines and Indonesia—3,500 kilometers in 45 days.
That adventure changed everything. It made me feel like I could never live a "normal" life again. We didn’t have much of a plan—other than covering as many kilometers as possible while spending as little as we could. We slept in the most random places: mosques, churches, temples, the basement of a restaurant, next to homeless people, even in construction sites and hospitals.
And the rides we caught? They were as unpredictable as the journey itself. Every time we hitched a ride, the same questions ran through our heads: Who’s going to pick us up? Where will we end up? What’s going to happen along the way? One moment, we’d be lying on top of a truck, racing down the highway at 100 km/h, and the next, we’d be huddled in the back of a pickup, drenched by rain, winding through mountain roads, with stray dogs barking in the distance.
The cultural encounters we had during that journey were unforgettable—an experience so wild that I could write a book about it. Maybe one day I will...
When you step outside your routine, you begin to notice how circumstances align with your thoughts. Even when things don’t seem to go your way at first, over time, you’ll realize they’ve unfolded for a better outcome. This awareness has given me the confidence to believe that whatever you truly want, you can achieve. But the key is recognizing the opportunities when they appear.
Why did i start this?
I started this because I believe life should be an adventure, and not just for the lucky few. Too often, we settle for the routine, for what’s comfortable and predictable. But my experiences taught me that the real magic happens when you push beyond your comfort zone and dive into the unknown. That’s where growth happens. That’s where you truly live. Everyone should experience that at least once in their life.